United Kingdom Russia
Local time (CET): 21:05
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24.01.2021 18:32 PD vs FRC
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12.11.2020 20:57 GC vs PD
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01.11.2020 21:37 wU] vs TL7
01.11.2020 15:45 HEmo vs L7
01.11.2020 09:43 FraB vs GC
25.10.2020 19:35 PD vs FraB
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18.10.2020 20:49 SPARX vs InFs

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08.03.2012 RussiaNeoPhix 9
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+ Newsline

I'm letting goooooooooooooo!!...
14 Aug, 18:05| author: Russiahalfpast5


letting_go_400x300Today we're to begin the new, important phase of our history. We're to step on the promising way, and the first step of the way is closing the Warcraft 3 squad. Well, we're not closing it that completely, normally there may be some people that would like to stay with us, and at least I'm personally staying yet. But, nevertheless, the fact is: no more team competitions in Warcraft3, no more investment in this sphere.

For some time, I've thought that I'm like need to do something for the community here, like I have a debt. No way! I have no debts, I've made a lot for the game, and I'm not going to do anything more, cause I don't want and, what's more important, I just can't. Nowadays the game of Warcraft 3 is completely useless, though the process otself is still interesting, there're no promising teams, no attractive leagues, no hard goals to achieve. Nothing. And I don't wanna play with nothing, for nothing. Call it ambitions, or whatever.

Great thanks to all the guys who helped to pull it that far these months - RussiaHumanMorfius, RussiaUndeadCianid, RussiaHumanag3n. Great thanks to all the others, who helped me to make this show running. Great thanks to everyone, who supported us with word, and with deal. But the time has run out.

The time has run out. Hooray!
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Team matches
iAct > FR 4:1
iAct > hdg 4:2
iAct won ... (tech)
iAct > bru 4:0
iAct < Vincere 1:4
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