United Kingdom Russia
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15.01.2021 09:53 Warcraft III..
12.11.2020 20:57 GC vs PD
07.11.2020 20:26 GC vs Emo
07.11.2020 14:45 FraB vs DuSt
06.11.2020 23:47 Sun vs FRC
02.11.2020 20:19 RBTV vs TDK
01.11.2020 21:37 wU] vs TL7
01.11.2020 15:45 HEmo vs L7
01.11.2020 09:43 FraB vs GC
25.10.2020 19:35 PD vs FraB
23.10.2020 21:51 SPARX vs FRC
18.10.2020 20:49 SPARX vs InFs

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Несчастливый день или поход в бильярд.
01.04.2012 Russiahalfpast5 0
Интересно и понятно - о физике.
01.04.2012 Russiahalfpast5 0
Пираты в минус, продажи в минус.
17.03.2012 RussiaNeoPhix 7
О любви
08.03.2012 RussiaNeoPhix 9
Самопознание. Никаких ответов

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Warcraft III Reforged League Season 2 Finals 1
Izzard WC3 Cup Season 1 Finals 0
Izzard Cup Season 1 1
SC2aLone: hail to the zerg(s), baby! 0
SC2aLone: iAct Rebellion -vs- Auxilia. 0
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[SC2] OSC 6 Finals: итоги игр в группе В 0
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[WC3] ToD планирует провести турнир по WC3 2
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+ Newsline

Warcraft III Reforged League Season 2 Finals Comments: 1
Russiahalfpast5 14 Jan, 18:54
Round 1Round 2Round 3Champion
USADuSt Gaming
RussiaThunder Ducks
ArgentinainFernales eSports
EuropeHot Emo 1337
EuropeGlobal Clan
GermanyPlaying Ducks e.V.

News rating: 1
Izzard WC3 Cup Season 1 Finals Comments: 0
Russiahalfpast5 06 Feb, 20:54

Hi everyone. We've played 8 of 8 Izzard WC3 Cups. Now it's time for the Season Finals. We are going to play this tournament on February 17 (we start at 14:00 CET). The prize pool will be 137 $, which will be spread between top-2 players as 100/37.

Below you can see the bracket. Arabrams and Lex had equal amounts of points, so I had to do a coinflip to decide which seed they get.

Matches will be played as best-of-3, and grand-finals will be played as best-of-5. The bracket is Single Elimination.

Thanks everyone for participating, it was a great tournament series so far. Looking forward to the season finals now!

Раунд 1Раунд 2Раунд 3
SwedenNight ElfStarshaped
RussiaNight Elfrvs
RussiaNight ElfJadeDark

News rating: 0
Izzard Cup Season 1 Comments: 1
Russiahalfpast5 09 Jan, 15:57
Alright, here we go. Izzard WarCraft 3 Cup is announced. If you want you can call it somewhat a chobo cup - there's a stoplist which prevents the strongest wc3 players of our days to enter the cup. So the idea is to give some spotlight and prize money to those guys who usually remain in shadows. The stoplist is: UkraineNight ElfFoggy, RussiaUndeadHappy, RussiaHumanHawK, RussiaOrcCash, BelarusOrcOrcWorker, UkraineNight ElfSonik, RussiaUndeadSheik, RussiaNight ElfNeytpoh, RussiaHumanDeathNote (the last one is due to reasons which are not connected with the game skill).

The basic prize pool of the tournaments is 10000 rubles (something around 165 $), and it can be increased up to 24000 rubles (around 400 $) if there are a lot of people participating.

There will be 8 cups and the season finals. Players will be not only winning some prize money, but also earning rating points. The best 8 players will qualify for the monthly finals with increased prize pool.

IMPORTANT! Before signing up for a tournament you need to register at the site. You can do it here

Izzard Cup Season 1- list of tournaments:
Izzard Cup #1 (prize money + rating points)
Izzard Cup #2 (rating points only)
Izzard Cup #3 (prize money + rating points)
Izzard Cup #4 (rating points only)
Izzard Cup #5 (prize money + rating points)
Izzard Cup #6 (rating points only)
Izzard Cup #7 (prize money + rating points)
Izzard Cup #8 (rating points only)

Season structure

4 cups with prize money and rating points.
Basic prize pool is 1000 rubles (15 $), the winner takes all.
If there are more than 32 players in the bracket the prize pool is 2000 rubles (30 $), the spread is 75%/25%.
If there are more than 64 players in the bracket the prize pool is 3000 rubles (45 $), the spread is 66%/33%.

4 cups with rating points only.
No money here, but players can still earn rating points. And! If there are more than 32 players in the bracket the prize pool for the monthly finals adds up 750 rubles (11$). If there are more than 64 players in the bracket, the prize pool for the monthly finals adds up 1500 rubles (22$)

Monthly finals
8 players with the highest amount of ladder points qualify. The basic prize pool is 6000 rubles (90 $) and if there are a lot of participants in the cups with rating points only - the prize pool goes up. The maximum prize pool thus can be 12000 rubles (180 $).

Rating points spread:

1st place: 100 points
2nd place: 75 points
3rd-4th place: 60 points
5-8th place: 45 points
9-16th place: 25 points
17-32 место: 15 points

News rating: 1
SC2aLone: hail to the zerg(s), baby! Comments: 0
Russiahalfpast5 19 Aug, 20:25

iAct RebellionBRuTeam.Ru

This is good news, as long as we're going to the playoff of SC2aLone League. Hell, that was a tough one, especially considering the fact we'd lost against RussiaBRu in the final of the previous season. So, I've just thought - whatta hell are we going to do in the final? I mean, those guys were like destinied to smash us.

But, goood! RussiaZergwinS was just awesome. No other way for me to express the emotions for this win. Nice job, extremely well done, pulling us into the finals - that's the way i like it.

News rating: 0
SC2aLone: iAct Rebellion -vs- Auxilia. Comments: 0
Russiahalfpast5 16 Aug, 21:00

iAct RebellionAuxilia

So, here we go, here we bring ourselves, trying to do our best, to make it to the play-offs of SC2aLone League. After we've won the first match versus RussiaGrand Masters Team, that'd be nice to improve the success, winning one more opponent. But, as you can see, we've failed to do that. Sad, because win we this one - there'd be almost no doubt about our participaton in the play-offs. As for now...

News rating: 0
SC2aLone: iAct Rebellion -vs- Grand Masters Team. Comments: 0
Russiahalfpast5 15 Aug, 20:56

iAct RebellionGrand Masters Team

The match versus RussiaGrand Masters Team finished in the way i Like, definitely. I mean, winning with 4:1 score is not the thing I'd refuse, so thank you guys, and especially RussiaZergwinS, for winning this one.

The situation in the rankings is rather tough, in general. Now we're going on the 4th place, and three more teams have the same amount of points as RussiaiAct Rebellion. Obviously, there's gonnabe some hard stuff, and we'll need to sweat a bit if we want to make it to the play-off.

News rating: 0
It just the way we go. We gonna go. Comments: 0
Russiahalfpast5 14 Aug, 21:52

You know, I have a concept... May be it'd be better to call that my attitude to cybersports, or just my point of view... Well, anyway, the issue is that I think that a cybersport team should work, more, than play. I've tried to apply this principle to the team of my own, and though the attempts failed, I'd like to try that once again. I guess, I can have some success in that sphere, not forget about the fact that I've quit Warcraft 3.

That, to be said in short words, means that RussiaiAct Rebellion will, probably, accquire a new SC-squad soon. Our current team will be saved, so there're no any kicks, or any stuff like that, following. All I want to do, is trying to realize the concept of working team.

* Team practice, team preparation, team work.

* Activity.

* Coach.

* Roster rotation.

These are the principles we're to remember, and to follow. We'll try to build a new team, something just extremely new for me personally. The team, which doesn't play, but does work!

News rating: 0
I'm letting goooooooooooooo!!... Comments: 0
Russiahalfpast5 14 Aug, 18:05

letting_go_400x300Today we're to begin the new, important phase of our history. We're to step on the promising way, and the first step of the way is closing the Warcraft 3 squad. Well, we're not closing it that completely, normally there may be some people that would like to stay with us, and at least I'm personally staying yet. But, nevertheless, the fact is: no more team competitions in Warcraft3, no more investment in this sphere.

For some time, I've thought that I'm like need to do something for the community here, like I have a debt. No way! I have no debts, I've made a lot for the game, and I'm not going to do anything more, cause I don't want and, what's more important, I just can't. Nowadays the game of Warcraft 3 is completely useless, though the process otself is still interesting, there're no promising teams, no attractive leagues, no hard goals to achieve. Nothing. And I don't wanna play with nothing, for nothing. Call it ambitions, or whatever.

Great thanks to all the guys who helped to pull it that far these months - RussiaHumanMorfius, RussiaUndeadCianid, RussiaHumanag3n. Great thanks to all the others, who helped me to make this show running. Great thanks to everyone, who supported us with word, and with deal. But the time has run out.

The time has run out. Hooray!

News rating: 0
Easy 2 Enter - Hard to Quit. Comments: 0
Russiahalfpast5 05 May, 00:15
E2EI hope that the announcement will appear on the site in a day, or two days, not longer. We are going to feature an original format, and the last things we're left to do is to make up the rules and make some decisions concerning organization. All in all, it may be siad that Easy 2 Enter is

Coming soon...

News rating: 0
IPL: iAct Rebellion -vs- Versus-Gaming. Comments: 0
Russiahalfpast5 04 May, 22:37

iAct RebellionVersus-Gaming
ag3ntHumanRussia1:0RussiaNight ElfAutumnSky
ag3ntHumanRussia4:0RussiaNight ElfSly

News rating: 0

Team matches
iAct > FR 4:1
iAct > hdg 4:2
iAct won ... (tech)
iAct > bru 4:0
iAct < Vincere 1:4
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